09-08-2019, 05:57
Dafür bin ich wohl zu alt. Aber meine 18-jährige Tochter würde leuchtende Augen bekommen. Die "Kings of K-pop" aus Korea kommen am 23. August nach Manila. Die Eintrittspreise:
Coconuts Manila
Zitat:Tickets are being sold for PHP2,500 (US$48.18) for general admission with a limited view; PHP3,500 (US$67.45) for the general admission section; PHP5,500 (US$106) for upper box; PHP7,500 (US$144.54) also for upper box; PHP11,500 (US$221.64) for the seated section with a limited view; PHP13,000 (US$250.56) for the seated section; and PHP13,000 for the standing section.
Coconuts Manila